Croagh/Kilfinny GAA

Founded 1903

Co. Limerick

Recent Articles

Recent Croagh/Kilfinny GAA news and info

Euromillion's - Week 2 Draw 3

Euromillions - Week 2 Draw 3

Last Nights Numbers Above

All Ireland Hurling Final Tickets - Update

We are still waiting to receive our 2nd allocation of tickets for the final. Therefore the tic...

All Ireland Hurling Final tickets

The deadline has passed for requesting tickets for the All Ireland final so no more requests w...

Euromillions Week 1 Draw 2

Tomorrow's draw is estimated at €230 million.Numbers above.

Up for the Match

fter a three-year hiatus, Up For The Match is back with presenters Jacqui Hurley and Des Cahil...

Lotto Numbers Week 1 Draw 1

Hi AllOur first draw is tonight at 7.30 pm.Tonight's draw is for €215 million so we will get g...

All Ireland Hurling Final Tickets

If you would like to request tickets for the All Ireland Hurling Final Tickets, please text yo...

Euromillions List Additions

Some final names for the first draw next Tuesday. 274 Pa Hogan 275 Brian Carroll 276 John ...

List Additions

3 additional names to the list.Brian CarrollCarmel O'ReganCroagh-Kilfinny GAA

Euromillions List C

Thanks again for all the work people did gathering entrants and to all those who made the eff...

Euromillions List B

Thanks again for all the work people did gathering entrants and to all those who made the eff...

Euromillions List A

Thanks again for all the work people did gathering entrants and to all those who made the effo...

Old Library

Thanks to all the crew who put in a few hours painting the old Library.Thanks to all of the ki...

Finishing Touches

A few of us are meeting up tomorrow at 11 am to clean the old library and do a few finishing t...

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