Croagh/Kilfinny Community Games Sports Day returns after a long number of years. It will take place in Croagh/Kilfinny GAA grounds with registration beginning at 4pm. There is an admission fee of €5 per family.
If you are interested in taking part in any event in our Sports Day, please text our secretary Mary before Thursday 18th May on 086-3943986. This is to give us an idea of numbers for the various events on the day.
Please note:
- Community Games events are confined to children residing in the parish.
- Children must be supervised by their parents/guardians at all times.
- The age cut-off date is the 31st of July. (Age calculator available on the Community Games website here)
- No spikes or bare feet.
- Bring your own water bottles etc.
This promises to be a great family and community fun day. All welcome