Limerick GAA Referee Recruitment .
Are you interested in becoming a referee? Think you can do better? Then “Put your whistle where your mouth is” and “Become a GAA Referee”!
Why Become a GAA Referee?
•Stay involved with the game as an alternative to playing
•Fitness – It’s a great way to keep fit
•Ambition – could you referee a County Final or even an All-Ireland?
•Learn more about the game
•Give Something Back - offers players, at the end of their playing days, the opportunity to continue in the sport
•Personal Development - helps to develop personal skills that are of value in all walks of life
What qualities are required to become a GAA Referee?
•Good knowledge of the playing rules
•Be physically and mentally fit
•Have the ability to remain calm
•Have the moral courage to take decisions which are correct .
If interested please forward your details to. A.S.A.P so courses can be scheduled.
Patsy Coffey 087 9160344
Mike Sexton. 087 9188375.