We are excited to see our local community come out in support of the inaugural Limerick Relay for Life event.
We will require people to take part in the walking relay on the walkway around the club grounds for 24 hours. We would hope that no person would need to have to do more than an hour of a walk so we need at least 24 volunteers to sign up.
You can join the Croagh/Kilfinny GAA team here at this link - https://www.relayforlife.ie/join/croaghkilfinnygaa to take part. Our coordinator is our Healthy Officer Liam O'Sullivan and he can be contacted at 087 1764790.
We will be looking for people to sponsor our team and this can be done by donating online at the following link - https://www.relayforlife.ie/s/4405/5123
If you can't make it to the full event, you can also buy a Candle of Hope bag and join us at the Candle of Hope ceremony on 7th September 2024 at dusk for an evening of music and remembrance.
Further details can be found here at the Limerick Relay for Life page - https://www.relayforlife.ie/event/limerick
Looking forward to your support for this worthy cause.